Introducing the delightful Ho-Ho-Ho collection, where the magic of the holiday season comes to life through the joyful faces of Santa! This whimsical collection features adorable ethnic Santa faces, each with its own unique expression, bringing smiles and warmth to everyone who sees them. Imagine using these festive designs for gift wrap, cozy fabric, or cheerful home decor—it's all about spreading joy and holiday cheer!
The hero design showcases a variety of Santa faces in different skin tones, reminding us that the spirit of giving knows no boundaries. This combination of vibrant colors and fun patterns is sure to ignite the festive spirit!
As an artist, I’m inspired by the warmth and joy that the holiday season brings to families everywhere. I wanted to create a collection that captures the essence of celebration and togetherness. Ho-Ho-Ho is available in additional colors, so you can find the perfect match for your holiday projects!
If you're interested, please contact me for access to my complete licensing portfolio. Let’s share the joy of the season together!